by Nina Bookout | Sep 11, 2015 | Headlines
It was a clear vivid blue September day. Americans were at work, at school, traveling, and some on the west coast just waking up. A normal Tuesday for all. And then, in an instant everything changed. At 8:46 AM the first plane, American Airlines Flight #11 slammed...
by Nina Bookout | May 25, 2015 | IB Less Lethal Blog
In 2002, just after graduating from high school in Laramie, WY, a young man named Kyle W. Burns joined the Marine Corps. Understandably, given the events of 9/11 and all that had transpired in the months since then, his mother Jocelyn tried to talk him out of it....
by Nina Bookout | May 24, 2015 | IB Less Lethal Blog
I can trace the company’s beginnings to a solemn family gathering on that first Thanksgiving after 9/11. Several of my closest family members and I started talking about the need to prevent terrorists from ever taking a plane and causing such destruction...